Wednesday, June 9, 2010

May Housing Starts

The seasonally adjusted annual rate of housing starts was 189,100 units in May, according to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), down from a revised 201,800 units in April.

“Housing starts decreased in both the singles and the multiples segments in May,” said Bob Dugan, Chief Economist at CMHC’s Market Analysis Centre. “The decrease in housing starts in May is consistent with our forecast that housing starts for 2010 will reach 182,000 units.”

The seasonally adjusted annual rate of urban starts decreased by 9.5 per cent to 165,200 units in May. Urban multiple starts decreased by 5.6 per cent to 92,800 units, while single urban starts decreased by 14.1 per cent to 72,400 units.

May’s seasonally adjusted annual rate of urban starts decreased 21.8 per cent in the Prairie region, 13 per cent in Quebec, 12.9 per cent in British Columbia, and 2.7 per cent in Ontario. Urban starts increased 23.3 per cent in Atlantic Canada.

Rural starts were estimated at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 23,900 units in May.

CMHC June 8, 2010

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