When you’re setting out to get your home ready to sell, you need to look at your house in a whole new way. You have to think of your house as a product that is about to go on the market where it is probably competing with brand new housing. This means it needs to show well and appeal to potential buyers as a place they can easily move right into without making major repairs.
Although some homebuyers are willing to take on fix-me-uppers, many of today’s house hunters lead busy lives and may not be interested in embarking upon major repairs or improvements upon moving in.
Fix it First
If you need to make improvements to your home, do the work before the “For Sale” sign hits your lawn. Potential buyers are not interested in hearing about your good intentions to look after defects before a transfer of ownership takes place. Even if fix-up work is underway, buyers may not be able to visualize what your home will look like upon completion of a project. They will just remember it being in a state of disrepair.
Professional Inspection
A serious buyer may want to have a professional home inspector check your house from top to bottom before making an offer. Keep in mind that the option of hiring a professional home inspector is open to you as well. If you can afford it, a pre-sale inspection is a good idea. This is the best way of finding and taking care of serious deficiencies before an inspector hired by a potential buyer uncovers them.
Inspection Checklist
Click here to see Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s (CMHC’s) practical checklist to help you get started in preparing your home for a sale. Here you will find useful information for checking both your home’s exterior and interior, as well as helpful tips when it comes time to start showing your home.
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